Welcome to my hub!

While each of the businesses I’ve created over the years has its own unique identity and provides its own product or service, my businesses holistically tell a story about who I am as a person and the life I am dedicated to living. That story is driven by a profound dedication to finding balance within all aspects of living as well as a heart-felt desire to cultivate spaces for others to find balance within themselves so that they may experience the benefits of optimal health and vitality, and live as fully and deeply as possible in their own peace and perfection.

About Me

In 2021, I found myself burnt out, depressed, out-of-shape and overweight. I had spent over 20 years hunched over a keyboard, banging out website development code and drinking way too much caffeine just to make it through the day. While I absolutely loved the work, the lifestyle starting taking a real and extreme toll on my health and wellbeing.

After a physical and emotional breakdown, I became committed to finding tools to help shift my priorities and give me the clarity I needed to start a journey down a new path – one that would not only allow me to heal myself and create a more balanced lifestyle so I could flourish, but ultimately would also reveal to me my divine calling to help others take control of their lives and nurture their vitality.

I began studying Reiki energy medicine in 2021, became certified, and started my own business, SIYON Health + Vitality. Within 6 months I had a handful of regular clients and continued my studies to get my Master certification in the Usui Holy Fire lineage.

The following year I began working as an Estate Gardener and embarked on my plant path, which lead me to study and receive my Herbalist certification in 2024 and to start Everyday Herbal.

Here at the end of 2024, I’ve seen nearly 300 clients in over 600 sessions and have begun working on a book and Reiki classes to teach others my SIYON method. I am also looking to add retail locates to sell my herbal products in addition to selling them online.

Reiki Sessions, Energy Training & Classes


I am also a Certified & Insured Reiki Master (Usui Holy Fire III). I’ve worked with nearly 300 clients in 600 session to help move energy and reconnect with the loving, divine energy within them. Sessions range from $50-90 and are performed in Sturgis or Three Rivers, Michigan. Please visit my Reiki page for more information!

Hand-Crafted, Small Batch Herbal Products


After receiving my Herbalist certification from the Herbal Academy in 2024, I began selling a variety of herb-based products and hand-crafted herbal teas & blends. I am still developing my product like, but you can visit my page for Everyday Herbal to learn more about my business, my love of plants and how to order!

Fragrance Elixers & Diffuser Oils


4 Years ago when I started my Reiki business, I created a custom essential oil blend (named OM) that was a perfectly balanced scent that did not trigger my clients. It was so well liked that I started selling it and started crafting my own Fragance Elixers. “You smell SOOO GOOOD” is a very common greeting these days! Check out my scents and order online.


Pick-Up, Drop-Off or Shipping Options Available

Most of my Everday Herbal and DirtyGirl Vibe products are for sale on my Square site! You can browse teas, steams, infusions, salves, fragrance oils, diffuser oils as well as the opportunity to buy gift certificates for my Reiki sessions. Taxes may apply. Orders are filled within 24 hours and you have to option of having your order shipped, dropped off, or picked up from my porch or from the Craftsmans Daughter in downtown Sturgis.

“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”